Why You Don’t Need More Hours to Get More Done | 33
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Podcast Description
Don’t you ever wish you had more time so that you could get more things done in your online business? Yeah me too, and I hear this a lot. But the truth is, if getting more than 24 hours a day were even an option, it doesn’t mean that we would actually get more things done.
Why? Because it’s not about how much time you have, it’s about something else. And in this episode, we’re going to talk about what will actually help you get more things done without needing more time in your days.
Links Referenced in this Episode:
▶ Join the Productive Entrepreneurs Club waitlist
▶ Listen to episode 31: Benefits of Increased Productivity as an Online Business Owner
▶ Listen to episode 32: Common Planning Misconceptions to Stop Believing This Year
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Episode Transcript
(Note: This is a formatted AI-generated transcript to make it easier for you to read through, but is not an optimized blog post. Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors and filler words – it’s just how I speak LOL)
Episode Intro
Don’t you ever wish you had more time so that you could get more things done in your online business? Yeah, me too. And I hear this a lot, but the truth is if getting more than 24 hours a day were even an option. , it doesn’t mean that we would actually get more things done. Why? Because it’s not about how much time you have. It’s about something else.
And in this episode, we’re going to talk about what will actually help you get more things done without needing more time in your days. So let’s go ahead and jump right in.
Hey, I’m Lucy Reyes, your host of the Cheerful Productive Chats Podcast, where I’m on a mission to help online entrepreneurs like you focus on all the right things and kiss overwhelm goodbye. Here, you’re going to learn strategies that will boost your productivity so that you can scale your online biz and impact lives sooner. It’s your time to shine so let’s get started!
What Does Productivity Really Mean
Hey, welcome back to the Cheerful Productive Chats Podcast. So, two weeks ago, I finally recorded an episode on my version of productivity, along with all the benefits that this brings.
And I say finally, because you would think that with the podcast being all about productivity, that this would have been one of my first episodes, but somehow it slipped my mind.
And I think it’s because I assumed that everyone knew what it meant to be productive and that they, or you are tuning in because you just want help with it. But then I started to realize that actually, there’s a lot of different takes on what this means.
And when I researched it a bit more, I wasn’t surprised to see why many entrepreneurs tend to burn out with this hustle culture that just says to do more and get more done.
So if you haven’t listened to that episode, definitely go back and listen to it once you’re done with this one, because it’s definitely an important one.
The Time Myth: Why You Don’t Need More Hours to Get More Done
But today I kind of want to follow up from that same message of getting more done.
Yes, I think that getting more of the right things done in less time is what will help you increase your productivity, but something I hear often is people saying that they wish they had more time so that they can get more done.
And, you know what? I feel you, like I a hundred percent get it. I get that. I get that feeling.
Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy and there’s a lot of things that we have to do. But can we be real? And also just say that just being a person isn’t easy either. Like not just being an entrepreneur, especially being an entrepreneur, but even just being a person isn’t easy.
I mean, just because we’re an entrepreneur doesn’t mean that we don’t have other things going on. Like we have a life.
So many of you listening, I know are also parents, or you have a job in the quote, like “real world” how some say, or you’re dealing with health problems or you’re in the process of moving or relocating or whatever, like the list goes on and on and on.
So I know the feeling of wanting more time so that you can get more done. And honestly, if I had 26 hours, instead of 24, I know that I would be able to get so much more done.
Well, actually, who knows? Maybe I would take the extra two hours and sleep more or maybe I would binge Netflix shows. I don’t know. I actually don’t know what I would do with those extra two hours.
Because here’s the thing, just because we get more time, doesn’t mean that we’re actually going to get more things done.
And no, I’m not going to give you my let’s reframe your thoughts on this, I don’t have enough time pep talk because I already do that enough on the podcast. And I have a whole episode on it. It’s episode two, if you want it.
Related Post: Planning Misconceptions to Stop Believing
Planning and Organization Are Key
But what I will say is that you actually don’t need more time in order to get more done. Even just a little planning and organizing your business can go a really long way. This is what will help you get more things done even with little time.
So in the last episode, I shared some common misconceptions about planning. And here’s a spoiler if you haven’t listened to that one yet. But one of those misconceptions is that you need a lot of time to plan, which you don’t.
In the same sense, you also don’t need a lot of time to start organizing your business. And you don’t even need to get your entire business organized in one go, which means you don’t need to set aside a lot of time for this.
Listen, I know that starting a project named, ‘get my business organized’, can sound pretty daunting, especially when you know just how disorganized and chaotic your digital clutter actually is.
I avoided it myself before realizing that by not even trying to get started with organizing, was actually causing me to not only get less done, but my disorganization kept growing and growing and growing.
So you see, I couldn’t afford to not spend time planning or organizing my business because it was literally just making things harder for myself. And this may be likely, what’s happening for you too.
Small Actions Can Lead to Big Productivity Gains
But like I said, I totally get it, where this comes from, and that’s why I’m going to propose that you do this instead.
So instead of completely changing the way that you’re currently planning for your business. Or instead of taking on a huge project that would be to get your entire business organized in the next week, month, etc. however long amount of time, like you fill in the blank of the amount of time.
Instead of doing that, focus on implementing small actions that will help you plan and organize just a little bit more. Or a little bit better, little bits at a time and even that helps a lot. Like it really, really does.
Whether that’s to set aside five minutes today to decide on folder name structures or 10 minutes next week to actually rename certain folders in a single platform. Or take an hour this week to plan out the next month.
Like you decide what little time and what little tasks, what that means to you, like you decide that, but then you implement it at a pace that you can.
Why? Because bite size action is better than no action at all. And this, even doing this can still help you get closer to reaching your goals.
In doing small tasks, just a few minutes here and there to either help you plan or organize your business, can truly be incredibly impactful and will save you time in the long run, while allowing you to get more things done. despite the fact that you’ll have the same amount of work time each day.
You don’t need to work more and you don’t need more time in order to get more done. That’s the moral of today’s episode. Bite size action is better than no action. And actually this is true for anything, not just planning or organizing. But it’s especially true for these.
Episode Wrap-Up
To help with all of this, I actually have something super special coming that’s going to help you become a more productive entrepreneur by helping you take these bite-sized actions that can help you get more done each day, even with little time. That’s all I’m going to say about this for now.
But if you want to learn more, and to be sure that you get all the details about what’s coming, that will help you with this, head to cheerstoproductivity.com/PEC-waitlist. Yall know that we’ll be linking to all of that in the show notes as well.
Thank you so much for listening to the Cheerful Productive Chats Podcast with me, Lucy Reyes. To view the complete show notes and all the links mentioned in today’s episode, visit cheerstoproductivity.com/33. And before you go, make sure you subscribe wherever you’re listening so you know once the next productive chat is released. Talk soon and cheers to your productivity and success!
Links Referenced in this Episode:
▶ Join the Productive Entrepreneurs Club waitlist
▶ Listen to episode 31: Benefits of Increased Productivity as an Online Business Owner
▶ Listen to episode 32: Common Planning Misconceptions to Stop Believing This Year
Don’t miss a single episode so that you can get productive and grow your online biz without overwhelm.
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