legal pages for your blog


  1. OK wow, great information and details on why we need this, and not just the free stuff. I believe I’m currently using a free bundle but will definitely look into a bit more, like you suggested!! Thanks for sharing this info!!

    1. Oh no, yes try to get legitimate legal pages as soon as you’re able. It’ll make a huge difference on protecting your blog!

    1. Brilliant post! I’ve never come across an in-depth article on this topic. Since most bloggers start a blog as a hobby or side hustle, they don’t often take proper legal steps. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  2. I love these templates! These legal forms are a necessity. Many bloggers have been sued and I would hate for it to happen to myself. These forms are worth every cent.

    1. Yes I completely agree! I was terrified of it lol but now I feel good and glad you’re protected too!

  3. Legal pages aren’t just necessary to protect your blog, but also to monetize them. I know a lot of ad networks, affiliate programs and even Facebook ad guidelines require them to do business. Legal pages are just an investment in your blog and something everyone needs to take seriously.

  4. Great advice. That bundle is a lot cheaper than my lawyer… and a lot cheaper than finding out you DIDN’T protect yourself BEFORE getting nailed.

  5. Great post! I am a contract attorney, so I was nervous about this as well when I launched. I spent a lot of time on these documents as well. Great info. Better to be safe than sorry.

  6. I need to look into this more! I used free templates for my legal documents- maybe that needs to change!

    1. Ugh oh… yes you should definitely look into switching away from the free templates, especially if your blog is already live. Let me know if you have any additional questions, I’m happy to help!

  7. It’s commendable that you delayed starting your blog to ensure you had all the legal necessities in place. For many bloggers, we don’t know exactly what’s needed and who to trust to provided me. It’s easy to get stuck in people who are just advertising because they’re in an affiliate situation rather than for authentic reasons. I appreciate your transparency.

  8. Oops! Guess I better do this! I didn’t even realize we were supposed to have these things. Thank you for posting!

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