Chaos to Control Mindset | 79
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Podcast Description
Discover how shifting your mindset from chaos to control can transform your life and business. In this episode, I’m diving into the power of perspective and strategies to help empower you to take control of your circumstances and find opportunities for growth in every challenge.
Links Referenced in Episode:
▶ Learn more about Chaos to Control Secrets
▶ Episode 34: Slow Down & Prioritize
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Episode Transcript
(Note: This is a formatted AI-generated transcript to make it easier for you to read through, but is not an optimized blog post. Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors and filler words – it’s just how I speak LOL)
Hey, I’m Lucy Reyes, your host of the Cheerful Productive Chats podcast, where I’m on a mission to help online entrepreneurs like you focus on all the right things and kiss overwhelm goodbye. Here you’re going to learn strategies that will boost your productivity so that you can scale your online bids and impact lives sooner. It’s your time to shine. So let’s get started.
Hey, hey. Welcome back to the Cheerful Productive Chats podcast. I’m really excited because my newest offer, chaos to control secrets, was really the inspiration behind this episode. If you’re not sure what that offer is, don’t worry. I’m going to share about it a little bit more towards the end. But just know that that was the inspiration for this episode where I wanted to talk about this chaos to control mindset and why it’s so important, because I think mindset is one of those things that typically gets pushed off as unimportant or something that doesn’t actually impact the way that you run your lives and business. But that is absolutely not true. That is not the case. Mindset is so, so important and something that we should really be trying to improve on with all the things that are happening around us.
So this chaos to control mindset, we’re going to talk about the perspective of how you see certain things and how you view certain things that are happening to you, aka the chaos. It really impacts what you do about it, right? And this is true for your life and your business. Let me give you an example, because this morning was pretty chaotic at the time of recording this. My daughter is not a morning person. She’s three years old and she is not a morning person. She cries and she screams when I wake her up. Anytime she doesn’t wake up on her own, she is cranky and she’s loud. She’s a super loud toddler. So when I wake her up, she’s already crying, she’s already fussy, she’s already cranky. She already wants things her way. She already wants this. She’s already. It’s chaos. And then my son, he’s just kind of sitting in the background, like, waiting for his bus to arrive. And, you know, he’s just there. He could be doing his chores, he could be trying to help out, but of course, his little world is calm, right?
But in my head, I’m seeing it as like, why aren’t you helping? Why aren’t you doing this? Why aren’t you doing that? So my brain is all over the place, right? And it’s even worse on days where I didn’t get enough rest or I’m feeling stressed out because of something. This is real life chaos. This is chaos that happens not every morning, but multiple mornings in a week, right? And this is just one example. There can be the chaos of getting home from a school or from practice, or trying to get dinner plan or going to the grocery store or having to run out to buy jeans for your son’s choir because he just told you today and it’s on Monday, and now you’re like, I’m not gonna have time for the weekend now. Have to, like, rush it like this. These are all the things that are happening in our lives, right?
And then in our business, it could be the chaos of, like, oh, my gosh, this tech thing failed, and now I have to run to fix it, because if I don’t fix it, then maybe I won’t make sales, or now they’re not getting their freebie, or now this or that. Like, there’s so much going on, and sometimes we just want to be like, ah. We just want to scream and shout and we just want to give up, and we’re just like, why is this happening to me? We play the victim when in reality, not in reality, but if you change your perspective, you can do something about it. If you choose to stay in this victim mode of like, oh, there’s so much going on, and I can’t handle it sometimes. Yeah, you need to step away from the situation.
Like, every situation is absolutely different, and you’re going to react absolutely differently. All your feelings are valid for however the situation played out or whatever, but you can still choose what to do about it after you’ve calmed down, right? After the moment has passed, after you have felt the feelings, you can still choose what you want to do about it. You, the way you perceive these things that are happening to you is going to impact your daily actions and what you like, any daily decisions that you have going on, right? So we really want to get into this mindset of being in control. Of being in control of the things that you can control, right? Because you can control everything. Some things are going to happen that are out of your control, and there’s no point on wasting more time and energy on that because it’s not going to change. You can’t control it. So let’s focus on the things that you can control.
Let’s go back to my example. This has been happening in my household for several, actually. It’s been happening since, like, she became a toddler. Let’s be honest. And, you know, I just deal with it. We just go with it. Some days I’m just like, oh, my gosh, I stop crying. Other days I’m like, it’s okay, you know, like, let’s take a deep breath. Like, every day is different, right? And today I was like, you know what? I need to, like, get into a mom Zen mode the mornings before I go do it with my daughter. So the way that I like to do that is I like to journal. I do a lot of journaling. It’s more for, like, personal development sometimes for my own mindset, for business. And I was like, you know what? No. I’m gonna go look on Amazon for a specific devotional journal just for moms to help me get into that, you know, the reminders and gratitude of having healthy kids and being, you know, blessed to be a mom and just getting into that embodiment before I go wake her up, before she gets all wild and cranky on me. Right?
And that’s something I chose to do today. It’s something I could have done a long time ago. I’m really excited for my new journal. But these are the ways that you want to see some of the things. Like, what can you control? I cannot control her meltdowns. I cannot control that. I can control how I react to it. I can control what I do about it. I can control how I protect myself from getting into this negative place. And for me today, I chose to buy a devotion and journal specifically to help me get into a mom’s end mode. And that’s just one example. There’s so many things that are happening, so many different types of chaotic things that are happening, which are going to require different actions. Right?
So that’s kind of like, what I wanted to start this episode was with this power of perspective, right? Like, you can truly change the outcome of how you do certain things. And now let’s talk about a little bit of the tactical stuff. Okay? So some of the strategies to help you actually adopt this control focused mindset. One, you gotta embrace the flexibility and that adaptability. Okay? There’s so much going on. You hear me say it all the time. Your plans are not gonna go as planned all of the time, 100% of the time. You’ll be lucky. It’s like 50% of the time, right? Things don’t always go as planned.
And so you have to be flexible. You have to be able to adapt without it ruining your sanity and making you more stressed and making you more overwhelmed, because then again, you’re going back into this negative state when all of those things happen. So you really just want to be okay with things changing and embrace it. Embrace the fact that you can be flexible, whether it’s through your systems or through your scheduling tool that you have or because you have a support system. Like, whatever the situation is, you want to embrace the fact that you have the ability to be flexible or that you can adapt. Okay, fine. It’s not an ideal situation, but I can adapt to it. What can I do? Let’s figure this out. It’s like being solution focused versus problem focused, right?
The second thing is that you really need to prioritize your task. When you have so much chaos going on, you don’t know what you’re gonna be able to do, what you’re not gonna be able to do, how much time you’re actually gonna have versus how much time you plan to have. You don’t know because things are chaos, right. At least in my life, that’s how they tend to be, as I shared in my last episode. So you really want to make sure that you are prioritizing your tasks. And even though there’s so much chaos, like, you can slow down. It’s okay to slow down. Down. Yes. We’re in this chaotic state, this chaos. Like, all of this chaos is happening around us. So it might feel like, no, we have to go. Go. Because I don’t know when the next thing is going to happen. But, no, it’s actually the opposite.
When things are super chaotic around you, you need to slow down and prioritize. And if you don’t know how to do that, then go back and listen to episode 34, where I have a whole episode on this topic. Okay, now, the third thing that you can do is, like I mentioned earlier, you can practice gratitude. You can practice gratitude or. And. Or you can celebrate your wins daily. What can you celebrate every day? What did you achieve? Doesn’t matter how small it is, doesn’t matter how big it is. You can celebrate something. This goes back to something that we do. I don’t know what episode. I share this, and I think it was my brand story, but something that we do at the dinner table every single night is that we go around and we cheers. That’s where the name came in. We cheers to something good that happened that day. And even if it was a bad day, we’ll just be like, cheers to being alive. Cheers to being here. Right?
But usually it’s like, oh, I had a good day at school or had a good day at work, or I had a productive day, or I got a lot done, or I got this offer, or whatever it is. We’re all going around. Yes, even my toddler, even my cranky three year old toddler is also cheering to something. She’s usually cheering to having a good day at school or having a good day with grandma or having a good day at home or being able to play. And she’s even the one that will remind us sometimes, like, oh, hello. Like, we need to cheers. And she has a little sippy cup. It’s so cute. So what can you practice gratitude for? What can you celebrate every single day to just give you a little burst of motivation, of happiness that you need to get through these chaotic moments? What can you do? What can you celebrate every day and what can you show gratitude for?
Those are the three things that I would really want you to practice doing to help you adopt this control focused mindset. One, you’re going to embrace flexibility and adaptability. Two, you’re going to prioritize your task. And three, you’re going to practice gratitude and make sure that you look at all of these challenges that come up as opportunities. They’re not always something meant to happen to bring you down. There’s usually something that you can learn from it. There’s usually something good that’s gonna come out of it. One thing that me and my sister have talked about recently was about seeing things differently that happened to us, right? So kind of the same topic that we’re on right now. Where is something is happening to you?
Instead of thinking, why is this happening to me? You can think, what am I supposed to learn from this? Why is this happening? What am I supposed to get out of this? Like, there is clearly something that I’m supposed to learn from this. So what is it? Let me figure it out. So look at all of these challenges, look at this chaotic life of yours, and see what can you learn from it? What can you do better? What opportunities are arising from all of the things that are happening? This, my friend, is the chaos to control mindset. And this is really like what this new offer that I have created, chaos to control secrets is all about. Because as I have shared, there’s things that are happening. Like, yes, I am teaching you how to get productive. I’m teaching you how to create systems.
And from the outside, it might look like I have it all put together. At least that’s what I hear from some people. And it’s like, no, my life is just as chaotic as anyone else’s. I have so much going on. But yes, you can still be productive. You can still make time to create systems and to organize your business. You can still have a successful business and achieve your goals and do all of the things that you want to do. And yes, you can still rest, you can still practice self care, you can still take time for yourself, you can still make time for your family and just do all of the things that you like. Yes, it can all be true at the same time. And I’m taking you behind the scenes on exactly how I do it in my own life, which is super, super exciting.
That’s exactly what this, this next pocket coaching program is. It’s a six weeks experience where I’m literally sharing behind the scenes at least twice a week of everything that’s going on in my life, along with what I’m doing about it in regards to the business, how certain things that are happening have affected a plan to change or an idea to spark, or how I was able to get something done quickly, what do my systems actually look like behind the scenes? What workflows that I have to change to make this thing happen? Who is helping me behind the scenes? Like all of these questions or all of these tidbits of my life are going to be shared in this six week audio experience called the chaos to control secrets. So if you want in on that, it’s super, super, super low price for a limited time. So you can check it out and learn more at cheers to secrets.
But before we leave, if there’s anything that I want you to take out of this episode is to really focus on what you can control. Change your perspective of how you’re seeing all of these things that are happening to you and figure out what you can do about it. To not only learn from it, but to grow from it too. Alright friend, I’ll be back soon with another episode. Bye.
Thank you so much for listening to the Cheerful Productive Chats podcast with me, Lucy Reyes. To get the full transcript and all the links mentioned in today’s episode, go visit the show notes where everything is linked there. And before you go, make sure you follow or subscribe wherever you’re listening so you know, once the next productive chat is released, talk soon and cheers to your productivity and success.
Episode References + CTA
Links Referenced in Episode:
▶ Learn more about Chaos to Control Secrets
▶ Episode 34: Slow Down & Prioritize
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