create a blogging schedule that works


  1. This is going to be helpful to so many people who want to get on a schedule for blogging. I love planning mine everything, it helps me focus and get more done.

  2. Thank you Lucy. This was helpful and encouraging. As a newer blogger I often feel overwhelmed with where I want to be and I want it all to be done yesterday. I know it’s a process but I have so many ideas that it’s hard to figure out what to do first.

  3. This is super helpful! I’ve been really bad about setting goals for my blog even though I have them for my social media. I need to start doing that!

  4. These are fantastic tips! I was so good about being organized at first, and have stopped that completely. I am still an active blogger, but I don’t feel organized about it. Thanks for the info!

  5. This was an awesome post! I’ve never heard of SMART goals before, but that totally makes sense. You have inspired me to make a schedule and focus on a few things, not everything at once! Thanks so much! 🙂

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