Staying Focused When the World Feels Like Chaos | 91
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Podcast Description
Facing chaos and managing stress while running a business are common challenges for entrepreneurs.
In this heartfelt episode, I step away from my typical cheerful vibes to share my personal experiences and practical, actionable strategies on how to stay focused as an entrepreneur during personal and worldwide chaos.
By the end of the episode, you’ll know how to stay focused, productive and keep your business running, while keeping your mental health and sanity front and center.
Links Referenced in Episode:
▶ Productive Entrepreneurs Club
▶ Episode 4: How To Prioritize Your Weekly Biz Tasks
▶ Episode 9: Managing Distractions When Working From Home
▶ Episode 55: Overcoming Distractions: How Systems Keep You Focused
Connect with me:
Episode Transcript
(Note: This is a formatted AI-generated transcript to make it easier for you to read through, but is not an optimized blog post. Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors and filler words – it’s just how I speak LOL)
Hey, I’m Lucy Reyes, your host of the Cheerful Productive Chats Podcast, where I’m on a mission to help online entrepreneurs like you focus on all the right things and kiss overwhelm goodbye. Here, you’ll learn strategies to boost your productivity so you can scale your online business and impact lives sooner. It’s your time to shine, so let’s get started!
Hey, hey! Welcome back to the Cheerful Productive Chats Podcast. I’m going to be completely honest—this is going to be a very different episode. It might be a little sensitive and could turn some of you away, but truthfully, at the time of recording this, it’s Friday, January 31st. You’ll get this in a few days, and I probably sat down early because it feels timely.
It’s been a tough, tough week for me. There’s been so much happening here in the U.S., where I live. It feels like there’s a lot of weight, with many changes and uncertainties. It’s been a super, super heavy week, and I know a lot of you in my audience are experiencing the same.
So, we’re going to tackle how to stay focused when everything around us feels chaotic. If that resonates with you, definitely listen in. If you don’t feel this way, if your world isn’t chaotic and you have no stressors, then this episode might not be for you. But it’s not just about the world, politics, or the news—this is about any chaos in your life.
I’ll be speaking from personal experiences with my family and how challenging it is to maneuver through business while managing personal life. Life still throws curveballs, and on top of that, there are extra weights. The tips I share are relevant no matter what type of chaos you’re dealing with, so I wanted to include that disclaimer.
Typically, I’m not one to deep dive into all the things happening in the world. I usually record a story, an email, to share my stance, but I don’t usually go into depth. However, it’s been heading home a lot more lately, and I recorded a story that got way more views than my typical ones because I shared something very personal.
I’ll start this episode by sharing what I posted in that Instagram story. Last Thursday, I dropped my daughter off at school. It’s a private school, not a free public one, and it’s a Latino-dominant, monastery-style school. I got very emotional because when I arrived, there were noticeably fewer students and less staff available. They had sent out an email to all parents about how they would protect our kids and staff if officers came to the school the day before, which explains the reduced numbers.
This week has been very emotional. For those who don’t know, I am a first-generation Mexican American. Both of my parents are immigrants—legal immigrants—and they’ve been here for several years now. They came here to give me a better life and a brighter future. I was the first in my family to go to college, which was a huge milestone coming from parents who didn’t have the same educational opportunities.
I’m married to my husband, who owns his own construction business. He’s brown and does the construction work himself. We’ve had to talk about knowing our rights to prevent profiling, as he looks like he was born in Mexico, even though he was born here. This situation hit me differently because I never thought I would find myself in it, especially since we’re both born here.
The point of sharing all this is to highlight how these events are impacting my mental health and hitting home for me. I participated in my very first peaceful protest when I was 11 or 12 around similar situations, so this is very close to my heart and gets me super raw. My mental health is definitely taking a hit, especially with other personal challenges happening too.
I know I’m not the only one feeling this way. As entrepreneurs, we’re so vulnerable to these changes—market volatility, evolving consumer behaviors, and media distractions can all impact our businesses. Yet, we have to continue running our businesses. It’s not a luxury; it’s a necessity. If we don’t, we won’t make sales, and we won’t have a business.
As entrepreneurs, we carry the extra weight of pushing through and continuing to excel and communicate with our audience despite everything going on. This is how we make an impact—by being business owners and supporting causes we believe in through our platforms. But we can’t just take a day off or use PTO time like traditional employees. For many of us, especially those relying on active income, we still have to do active work because even “passive” income requires upfront effort.
It’s a lot, so I wanted to record this episode about how to truly maintain your focus and stay productive. External chaos can lead to internal stress, making it challenging to maintain focus, but it’s not impossible.
I’m going to share four strategies you can implement right away to keep your focus and your sanity too—because boy, do I need this as well!
I wanted to come on and record this episode about how to truly maintain your focus and stay productive because all of this external chaos can often lead to internal stress. It makes it challenging to maintain focus, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to stay productive.
Whenever things around you feel a little too chaotic, I’m going to share four strategies that you can begin implementing right away to keep your focus and, honestly, your sanity too—because boy, do I know I need this as well. So the first thing is to prioritize your tasks effectively.
You really need to be effective with prioritizing what you’re going to work on for the day and truly distinguish between what’s urgent and what’s important. This is going to help you because when you know what you’re working on and what you need to get done, and you’ve already made the decision that this is a priority, it’s not just another task on your to-do list, but a priority task. It triggers something in you—like, “Oh, I need to be more focused because this is a priority,” compared to the ten other tasks on your list. You’ve identified this one as a priority, so you naturally zone in on that task to get it done.
In Episode 4, I actually cover this topic in more depth, specifically on prioritizing tasks. So definitely go and listen to that episode if you haven’t yet. There’s a link to an Eisenhower Matrix freebie that you can access to help you prioritize your tasks. This is really important in helping you zone in and work on those priority tasks.
Once you’re done with the tasks you’ve identified as priorities, you can check and decide, “Okay, do I want to keep going? Do I have the energy to keep going? Is my mental state in a position where I can keep working productively, or is it time to call it a day early?” I have definitely been doing that because sometimes that’s what we need.
So, prioritizing your tasks effectively is the first tip I have for you. The second one is to establish consistent daily routines because these provide structure and predictability, which are super essential, especially during chaotic times. Just like kids, who thrive on routines because it helps them feel safe—they already know what’s coming next. That’s also why if something goes out of the routine, they might have a meltdown because it’s not what they expect, and they don’t feel safe.
Honestly, I feel like this is the case with us adults too. Knowing what’s going to happen next gives you the predictability you need—like, “Okay, I already know what’s coming.” So the more you can establish a consistent routine, the easier it is to avoid those wavy curves of “maybe I’ll do this, or maybe I’ll do that,” which leaves you open to doomscrolling through the media and ending up in a corner of your bed crying because of what you’re seeing.
Speaking from experience, to create these daily routines, you have to start with habits. You have to implement a new habit to help build the routine so that eventually, the routine becomes a part of who you are. Inside the Productive Entrepreneurs Club, that’s what we’ve been focusing on all month. Every single resource and pep talk that drops inside our $7 a month membership revolves around the theme of habits. So if you haven’t joined us yet, or even if you are a member, definitely go and listen to the pep talks coming out every Monday. Each one is like a mini-lesson on habit building, maintaining, or even eliminating habits, along with two new resources dropping this month.
So, go and check it out at This way, you can learn how to implement and build these habits to create consistent daily routines that will help you thrive during these chaotic times.
The next strategy is to use productivity tools and systems. No surprise there, I know, but it’s truly incredibly helpful and enhances your ability to stay organized and focused because you know exactly what to do. You will never find yourself wondering, “What am I supposed to do next? Where was I in the process? Did I get this done, or am I doing the task again because I thought I didn’t?” Then you go back and realize, “Oh dang, I had already done that.”
Using productivity tools and systems really helps eliminate all of that. Similarly, when you’re having to make these decisions, it opens up the door for you to do something you don’t want to do, like doomscrolling or turning on the news. These tools are super helpful in managing your tasks, helping you set and recognize goals, and track your progress.
You can go through this podcast and listen to all the episodes about why systems are so important. I’m not going to deep dive too much into it here, but they are super crucial for maintaining focus and productivity. Inside the Systems Savvy Society, we’re covering everything about systems. So definitely join us at to see how I can help you improve your own systems to stay focused and be more productive.
And the last strategy I have for you is to minimize your distractions. Yes, you will need a bit of willpower to not get distracted by various forms like social media, emails, or interruptions from others. However, the distractions are the ones taking you down.
You know what they are, but you have to actually identify them and work to minimize them so you can maintain your focus. In Episodes 9 and 55, I deep dive into how to minimize distractions at home and how systems can help you minimize your distractions as well. You will rarely hear me talk about eliminating distractions because, let’s be real, that’s probably not going to happen. It’s impossible to eliminate every single distraction.
So we really want to focus on minimizing them the best we can. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide how you minimize your distractions. If social media is consuming you and taking over, and you don’t want that anymore, consider deleting the app or removing it, or setting up apps that block it after you’ve scrolled for an hour or whatever.
Same thing with your emails—maybe take emails off your phone for a while. Interruptions from others? Maybe that means setting different boundaries. Definitely listen to Episode 9 for tips on that. These distractions come in many different forms, so minimizing them is truly one of the best ways to help you maintain your focus on the things that actually need your focus right now.
As I wrap up this episode, just remember that you cannot control the external chaos. We can control how we respond and how we manage our own thoughts, feelings, focus, and productivity. There’s so much happening that we cannot control, but there is a lot that you can control. The tips I shared are ways you can put more control in your life, even though you’re going through hard times. But you cannot let yourself go down the path of trying to wish and try to control some of these things that are happening externally.
Yes, you can do some research to see how you can help and support what you can do about some of these things that are impacting you that you don’t agree with. Definitely do that if your mental health allows because, again, some of the things that are happening are very sensitive. And this is not the first nor the last time. It’s not just this year. There have been many incidents, many things that have happened in the past few years. Every year there’s always something. Sometimes it feels stronger because it’s a topic that’s close to your heart, sometimes because the media is throwing it at you, sometimes because it’s what everyone’s talking about.
Sometimes it’s just so sad. You feel so much empathy. There’s so much going on, and it’s not the last time, not the first time. So we have to help ourselves get through it. All of these tips help you maintain some focus, especially because you are an entrepreneur. You have to keep going. You have to keep going.
Yes, you can take some time off if that is what you need, and that’s fine. Don’t feel bad for taking time off, but also know how much time your business allows you to take off before it starts to sink. Keep that in mind—you don’t have to go full force. You can do a little bit here and there. It’s up to you how much you want to work, but definitely protect your mental health and protect your peace.
If you found today’s episode helpful, I really do encourage you to join the Productive Entrepreneurs Club. It’s only $7 a month and is such a supportive community where like-minded entrepreneurs share resources, strategies, and encouragement. Every month, we focus on a new theme where I share resources and strategies around that specific theme to help you stay focused and productive.
So come join us! The link is in the show notes at And remember, stay focused, stay productive, and most importantly, take care of yourself—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
Thank you so much for listening to the Cheerful Productive Chats Podcast with me, Lucy Reyes. To view the full transcript and all the links mentioned in today’s episode, visit And before you go, make sure you follow or subscribe wherever you’re listening so that you know when the next productive chat is released.
Talk soon and cheers to your productivity and success!
Episode References + CTA
Links Referenced in Episode:
▶ Productive Entrepreneurs Club
▶ Episode 4: How To Prioritize Your Weekly Biz Tasks
▶ Episode 9: Managing Distractions When Working From Home
▶ Episode 55: Overcoming Distractions: How Systems Keep You Focused
Don’t miss a single episode so that you can get productive and grow your online biz without overwhelm.
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